Monday, July 12, 2010

Getting Started

Let me lay something out here from the onset: I am no spiritual giant. If anything, my underwhelming depth of spirituality has brought me to this place. I have come to the point in my life where I long to experience God. I have been committed to relationship with God since my youth--serving him in church ministries and striving to live my life in a way that honors Him. I have never been the kind of person who "feels" God. I have never heard God speak to me and have never witnessed what you might traditionally consider the miraculous. My interactions with God have mostly been characterized by my pursuit of him and what I would call his affirmation of direction in my life. For example: when I almost lost my mind trying to keep up with a church movement that involved personal and marital burnout and spending copious amounts of money to attract people to the gospel, I feel that God led me along through a process of healing and reconciliation with his Church. The fact that I am currently shepherding a church community is a testimony to me that God intends for me to lead, and is interested in that leadership reflecting the way he has made me and the perspective and priority he has placed over my life. There is certainly more to that story, but it'll have to wait--another time perhaps.

I have recently decided that I want to hear from God. I want to experience his presence and I am specifically seeking his direction in terms of the direction I should take with this church community (CTK). I am wary, however, of falling into the trap of judging my relationship with God in terms of my tangible experiences as opposed to my level of obedience. I don't just want God to do soemthing for me, I want him to speak to me so I can better work for him. This is where the Nazarite vow comes in.


  1. I like it Chip, and I trust that God has led you to the vow in the way you have laid it out , so I know He likes it too.
    I think it is interesting (as an approval addict) that you speak parenthetically to the reader in ways that might clear up any image issues the reader may have. I would suggest that this may be a sign of some of the work God wants to do with you in the vow period. I am proud of you Chip and I will follow along with you.


  2. wow chip. so neat to read about your adventure ahead - and we can't wait to come visit and hear more. i feel like i have so much to say about this topic, but i think its better in person. maybe early december?? i will keep you posted. p.s. You've already heard Him speak. :)

  3. I cannot wait to see you guys! Now I'm dying to hear what you have to say!
