So, I've finished my first month of the Nazarite vow. My hair is growing out, my clothes are starting to wear a little more, and I'm getting the hang of not using plastic for money.
Truthfully, I really like the three sets of clothes thing. There is a freedom in not having to think about my wardrobe--what I will wear each day. The only thing that is really driving me nuts is nose hair. I constantly feel like I have "bears in my cave" as my kids put it.
Beyond the superfacial, I had an interesting time this weekend. I am part of a small improv comedy group in Durango. This is not a church program, by any means. It has been a great experience to be part of this group, the members of which have become some of my closest friends in the world. This weekend we camped out at a local renaissance faire where we do a mud pit version of our improv act. This was the first time I've had the chance to explain my vow to people outside the church. It was interesting, sort of. To be honest, I don't think they really got it--but it didn't seem stupid to them either.
We talked a lot this weekend about what it means to be a Christian. Recently, one of our members quit the group and the reason he gave was that he was going to church and could no longer participate in some of the more questionable material we get into in our comedy. This was an interesting situation, obviously, since I am a part of the group and a pastor. I asked the remaining members what they thought about me being part of the group and a man of faith. I wanted to know if maybe they saw me as either a total hypocrite, or a person who's faith was irrelevant. It was fascinating to hear their responses. Almost unanimously, the group articulated in ways I could not have scripted that they felt as if my presence in the group had allowed them to rethink their (not so kind) view of Christianity and Christians. They saw no contradiction in my faith and participation because they see me as someone who is secure in his faith and therefore not easily offended. They each expressed a level of comfort with me that they have never felt around Christians.
Needless to say, this was a relief to me. I truly feel that my membership in this group is the perfect illustration of what the life of the Christ-follower should be: walking the line between the world and God's Kingdom in order to develop the authentic relationships required for people to truly experience God's love. Not only do I feel that I get the chance to love on a group of people outside church circles, but I am receiving love from them--some of the most transparent and forgiving love I've ever known. They are teaching me about authentic community even as I am trying to lead an authentic church commuinity.
I'm not entirely sure how this fits with the vow, but it is what's going on as I try my best to fulfill it. It also gives me something to ponder besides, "does pulling a couple nose hairs violate my vow?"
When I think Chip Johnson, I think authenticity (and a couple other things...). If this group is teaching you authentic community, I can only imagine how much you are teaching them as well.